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The Librarian

Meet the W. H. S. Librarian and view her portfolio that features Library events and classes.


Meet the Librarian

Brandi Harmon is a native of Greenville, Mississippi. As a proud mother of 9 -year-old 4th grader, she enjoys creating art with her daughter, educating the minds of our youth and managing her own businesses.

Ms. Harmon earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Professional Interdisciplinary Studies from Jackson State University and her Master’s in Teaching Degree from Belhaven University. As a lover of children, she has acquired over ten years of experience in the field of education. Ms. Harmon is currently a 2nd year doctoral student at Liberty University where she is studying Educational Leadership. As a woman of many talents, Brandi is a licensed Barber Stylist, Visual Art Educator and Librarian in the State of TN, where she currently resides. She is a member of the National Art Association and the Tennessee Library Association.


Above all of her many accomplishments, she is a
firm believer that nothing in her journey outweighs her everyday walk in love and her everyday walk as a loving mother.




Each month the librarian instructs two grade level class a month, in addition to RTI Math Intervention every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Library 101, 201, 301, 401 is the title of the courses that Ms. Harmon created to teach students how to utilize library resources and build skills based on state standards. The librarian is observed by an administrator and contributes to the performance observation. Click the link below to check out the upcoming Library lesson plans this semester. 



Memphis Shelby county schools require librarian to create an maintain a portfolio the documents the growth of the library. The portfolio are submitted to the principal to count as the artifacts need to score Observation.  Click to view the portfolio submitted for each observation.

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